4 Pro Tips to maintain Body Weight.

4 Pro Tips to maintain Body Weight.

Unhealthy diet, imbalance lifestyle and bad habits is the major case of weight gain among the human being of our generation. Nowadays there are many agencies which claim quick weight loss by using their paid services but most of the time it’s does not work. You should keep in the mind that it’s not easy to lose weight in short period of time. Weight loss can only be achieved by following strict habit. You have to change your habit to achieve your goals. Here we will discuss about 4 Pro Tips to maintain Body Weight.

4 Tips to maintain Body Weightweight loss
4 Tips to maintain Body Weight


  1. Motivate Yourself:

    Firstly motivate yourself before you plane for weight loss ask yourself following 5 question, if you have the proper answer for those question then you can achieve your goal.

    1. Why you want to lose weight?
    2. Can you change my food habit?
    3. Do you have time for exercise or physical activities?
    4. Weight loss can be achieve in overnight or few days neither it quick process, do you have patient to see the result?
    5. How much you want to lose? Set your goal, you can take suggestion from your local Doctor, what’s should be your proper weight according to your height and age.
  2. Be Focused:

    It’s not an easy task to change the habit especially when you are in your weight loss journey. Most of the people maintain these habit for few only few days and start blaming system. One easy method to be in focused is just build a habit of writing a note daily what you have done to achieve your goal for weight loss on that day.

  3. Food and Diet :

    unhealthily food and Diet is the primary reason of your obesity. It’s very important to moderate your food habit. Just follow the given tips for weight loss journey.

    1. As soon you wake up in the morning have two glass of Luke warm water or 600 ml of water, this will this will flash out the toxin and unwanted fat from your body.
    2. Avoid refined sugar or sugar contained processed food. Sugars are high in calories and nil in nutrition. There are lots of alternative available in the market and are healthy and high in nutrition, you can go with honey, Jaggery, stevia, palm sugar etc.
    3. Avoid white salt, they are high in sodium instead of white salt use pink salt which are healthier and are low in sodium.
    4. Avoid packed or processed food, soft drinks or any other packed juice as they are loaded with unhealthy sugar and salt. These foods are high in calories and almost no nutrition at all.
    5. Include green vegetables, fruits, dry fruits or nuts, food having high protein contain such as (chicken, pluses, egg etc.) and low carbohydrate in your diet.

    Just change your food habit and you will be surprised to see the results not only for weight loss but for good health also.

    4. Exercise and Physical Activities: 

    Exercise plays key role in your weight lose journey. A simple and moderate 30-minute walk or light exercise is recommended initially. In addition to lose weight, a simple and moderate exercise also give you relive from stress and improve your immune system. You can try cycling and swimming or any other activities you like to enjoy. Apart from exercise a good deep sleep of 6 to 8 hour is also required.

  4. 4 Tips to maintain Body Weight
    4 Tips to maintain Body Weight

     I hope you enjoyed reading the above article, please share it with someone who is looking to start the journey of weight loss and lead a healthily life.

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