Lemon Juice,The rich source of Vitamin C. 3 Points to include Lemon juice in your diet.

Lemon Juice,The rich source of Vitamin C. 3 Points to include Lemon juice in your diet.


We have been hearing that lemon juice is very healthy drink an immune booster. It’s a rich source of Vitamin C, apart from Vitamine C they also contain Potassium and B6.

Lemon is a citrus fruit, lemon is one of the best gift nature has given us. The fruit juice, peel even leaves have numerous health benefits.

Lemon Juice,The rich source of Vitamin C. 3 Points to include Lemon juice in your diet.
Lemon Juice,The rich source of Vitamin C. 3 Points to include Lemon juice in your diet.

Let’s discussed 3 important beneficial points to include Lemon juice in our diet.

  1. Weight Loss:

Lemon juice with Luke warm water is the best remedies for weight loss. Lemon water flushes out all the impurities and cuts fat from your body; hence it’s reducing body weight.

Take approx. 300 ml of lukewarm water add two table spoon of lemon juice to it, now add one table spoon of pure honey to it (honey is optional) stirrer it have it every morning in empty stomach. You will feel the result after 30 days.

  1. Medicinal Properties:

Lemon juice is a rich source of antioxidants. Regularly drinking Lemon water keep you healthy and control the blood pressure off the body maintain the blood pressure of the body. Its boost your immune system by helping body in creation of antibodies and White blood cell. Lemon juice maintain the oral health too, it contain anti bacterial properties which eliminate the bacteria which are cause of dab breath. Some studies even claim that lemon juice prevent you from kidney stones, cancer, fatty Liver and Heart Diseases.

  1. Glowing Skin:

Lemon juice is rich source of Vitamin C. Vitamin C removes the dead cells from the skin and act as a catalyst for growing new cell. Vitamin C keeps your skin moisturizing and anti wrinkle. Hence you look younger and smart.

Side effects:

All thing has some limitation, this laws also applies to lemon juice also. Drinking too much of lemon juice may cause

  1. Lemon juice may effect your tooth. It can damage your enamel, as it contain acid. Try to use straw to drink lemon juice or water with minimum contract with tooth.
  2. Tyramine is presents in lemon juice which is not suitable for people suffering from migraine.

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