In today’s world white refined sugar has become an essential part of our kitchen. Refined sugar is generally considered as a bad ingredient. The Glycemic index of white sugar is 65 so its spikes the body sugar level. Refined sugar is an empty calorie food which hardly has any nutritious value. Refined sugar has numerous health effects such as high blood pressure, diabetes, fatty liver, heart diseases and so on. Weight Gain, irritability, skin disease, acne, wrinkles, cavities etc. are common sign that you are taking too much of sugar.
So here we will discuss 5 alternatives of refined or white sugar which are healthier and high in nutrient and are as sweet as refined sugar.
1. Raw Honey:
Raw honey is natural sweetener which is fluid in nature and brownish in color. Honey is prepared by honey bee by collecting nectar from seasonal flowers. Raw honey has numerous health benefits, its cures the cough, its boost your immune system, it’s protect the body from cancer, heart disease and so on. Honey is antioxidant and an anti bacterial. Raw honey contain mineral such as iron, calcium, zinc, copper, magnesium, manganese and phosphorus in small quantity The Gylcemic index of honey is 58 which is lesser than refined white sugar. Honey can be added in juice, smoothies, shakes and any other desserts.

2. Jaggery:
Jagery is prepared by boiling raw concentrated sugar cane juice till it turn solid and dark brownish color. Jaggery is rich in nutrient, it contain protein, iron magnesium, potassium, manganese and vitamin c in small quantity. Jaggery have numerous health benefits its improve digestion system, prevent from anemia, detoxification of liver and improve immune system. People with Diabetic problem should not take the jaggery as it glycemic index is very high and it can spike blood sugar level.
3. Dates Sugar
Dates sugar is one of the most healthier alternative of white refined sugar, it is high in fiber, vitamin, minerals and antioxidants. Dates sugar has amazing health benefits, its regulate cholesterol level, its make your skin healthier, prevent hair loss, boost memory power and regulate body weight.
You can easily prepare date sugar in your home; it’s very easy and simple. Follow the following step to prepare date sugar.
- Take approx.. 250 grams of dates and clean it with water.
- Remove the seed from the dates and cut the dates into small pieces.
- Now take a pan and roast the cut dates in small flame for 4-5 minute or its completely dehydrate and wait till it cool down.
- Now put the dates in Grinder and grind it till it become powder.
So now we can use this date sugar in desserts, tea, coffee, bakeries and so on.
4. Coconut Sugar:
Coconut sugar is one of the best natural sweetener. Coconut sugar is made from the liquid extracted from coconut flower. Farmer collect the liquid and this liquid is heated or boiled till it color changes to brown and after cooling it form a crystal shape, no chemical is used in this processed hence it complete organic process. Coconut sugar is rich in antioxidants, minerals, its contain potassium, magnesium, zinc, copper and vitamin C. Coconut sugar have numerous health benefits, its energies your body, its improve your digestion and metabolism, its maintain body sugar level. The glycemic index of coconut sugar is 35. We can use coconut sugar in tea, coffee, bakeries, desserts etc.
5. Stevia:
Stevia is a Plant which leaves are used as a natural sweetener. It is the zero calories sweetener so it’s a diabetic friendly alternative of refined sugar. The glycemic index of Stevia is 0, so its does effect the body blood level. Stevia does not contain any minerals or nutrition. Stevia can be used in tea, coffee, desserts.

All the above alternative of refined sugar is healthy but intake of this natural sweetener should be in moderate way. Excess intake of this sweetener may have adverse effect to your health, so consult with your doctor or dietician before switching to natural sweeteners.
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